

A couple of important VCAA updates for VCE HHD and OES teachers

We have received a couple of important VCE HPE updates from the VCAA regarding revisions and amendments to VCE Health and Human Development (HHD) and VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies (OES)

ACHPERVIC23: Two days of inspired learning and connection

Last week, over 120+ workshop and practical sessions were held over two days of impactful learning at #ACHPERVIC23, with feature presentations and inspiring keynote speaker Emma Murray.

Comprehensive wellbeing curriculum now available

The mental health and wellbeing of our students have never been more critical. Learn more about Australia’s first-of-its-kind wellbeing curriculum, developed in collaboration with Readiness.

Make your 'Impact on Tomorrow' at our 2023 Annual HPE Conference

We’re thrilled to provide the opportunity to come together professionally over two days of intensive learning, networking and impact building at our Annual HPE Conference 2023!

Celebrating HPE Day 2023 at La Trobe Sports Stadium

Read a wrap of our HPE Day activation event at La Trobe Sports Stadium with local primary and secondary school students taking part in a range of physical activities and sports experiences.

Active Schools update: 2023 project real impacts infographic

Download an infographic which shows the ‘real impacts’ as a result of their Active Schools funding from a metro primary and metro secondary school in 2023.

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